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Support & Tools

Member Support & Tools

Looking for the latest information on the current rates at Cornerstone CFCU or want help determining how much of a loan you can afford to purchase a new home or vehicle? Maybe you just need help finding your routing number or are looking for helpful tips to stay safe while shopping online. Find all this and more below. 

Loan Calculator

Use the online loan calculator to help you plan your savings, estimate finance amounts, calculate mortgage payment options and much more.

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Current Rates

See the current rates at Cornerstone for share certificate dividends, loans, banking services and more and find out how much you can save when you take the next steps on your financial journey with us.

Online Safety Tips

In the world today, it’s vital that you practice safe browsing habits online and take other steps to keep your account information safe and secure. Get some tips to keep yourself protected online from CCFCU.

Scams & ID Theft

New technology makes life easier, but can also make it simpler for criminals, hackers and others to access to your accounts without your knowledge. Learn more about some common scams and ID theft threats. 

Incoming Wires

Looking to make a wire transfer to Cornerstone CFCU? Learn about the process and download an incoming wire transfer form online to make the process simple and easy for all parties involved in the transfer. 

Our Trusted Partners

Discover how Cornerstone CFCU’s partnerships can help you save at other businesses nationwide. 

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